Friday, September 7, 2012

Fashion's Night Out


This year I spent FNO at the Beverly Center. It was a night of runway, drinks, sales, vampy lipstick, photo booths, Kendall Jenner (is she even 18 yet?), appetizers and a couple strippers. Only a couple. Some how my girlfriend and I finagled our way into valet parking and saw the Jenner sisters exiting their blacked out Escalade before the show. Kendall, Teen Vogue Editor Lisa Love and Lucy Hale from Pretty Little Liars hosted the opening ceremonies. I had more fun at the photo booths. Can't wait for next year!

just scored VIP parking. victory shot.
hamming it up
close up of my beaded tank
paper and gold leaf dress

the quiet before the show

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

White Noise

In honor of "No white after Labor Day", I'm writing about how everything should be white after Labor Day.

There is no such thing as a 'shade of white' simply because white is the absence of color. Therefore it can not have a shade. Yet the dazed and confused artists (pronounced ar-teest for the bourgeoisie) of the world decided to also confuse the masses with white, eggshell, Swiss coffee, snow, ivory, bone, antique, ecru, ghost, linen, lace, cream, vanilla... you get the point.

The point is... white is tre' chic, and especially captivating to the lazy (pronounced no special way) self decorator like myself who refuses to open a can of paint or lift a paintbrush-bearing limb. Here are some ways us lazy boyz and galz can make white more than the absence of color. Take THAT all of you ar-teests and superstitious weirdos!